Courses, Books, Meditations CD's, 

and Cleansing Aura Sprays

Master Choa Kok Sui 

The Chakras and Their Functions

This handbook puts together teachings of Master Choa Kok Sui on the energy body and its major chakras. He first publicly revealed the secret of the 11 major chakras and comprehensive guide on the 11 major chakras is the first of its kind in the world. These chakras or whiling energy centers are very important parts of the energy body and have psychological, physiological and spiritual functions. This book describes causes of conditions, malfunttioing of chakras, and how they each correspond to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body.

Miracles Through Pranic Healing 

by Master Choa Kok Sui

This book presents a simple and systematic manner principles and techniques that anybody can learn and master with effective results. With the use of Prana, the energy that animates life one learns to assist the body to regain health, and accelerate Its healing process, with testimonials of many patients and healers attesting to the restorative powers of pranic healing.

Advanced Pranic Healing 

by Master Choa Kok Sui

This book discusses the importance of psychological and physiological aspects Anatomy of Chakras to spiritual , mental, emotional, and physical well being, the secret of the 11 major chakras and existence of 12th chakra for achieving oneness with the Higher Soul, and energy principles with practical applications. It contains most advance healing system using color Pranas or chis to produce a rapid healing for a broad rage of ailments.  This advanced Pranic healing represents a major breakthrough in modern energy healing technology. Along with the techniques of producing color pranas are clearcut guidelines and Instructions for the treatment of various ailments such as arthritis, cancer, and other numerous illnesses, as well as the divine healing. Practitioners of energy healing arts find It the most sophisticated, powerful and effective healing  technology of it's time. 

Pranic Psychotherapy 

by Master Choa Kok Sui

Pranic Psychotherapy covers the use of PRANIC HEALING in the field of Psychotherapy. It discusses the techniques to use in alleviating emotional and psychological ailments. It is an advanced guide to using proven pranic healing methods to treat and prevent psychological ailments such as compulsive behaviors, tension, anxiety, stress, phobias, depression, hysteria, impotence, and drug addiction, repairing damaged or cracked protective webs in the chakra and self-healing for Tension, Irritability, Grief and Anxiety.

Crystal Pranic Healing 

by Master Choa Kok Sui

Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui reveals secrets of the ancient Masters. Learn the wonderful, practical uses of crystals, their properties, how to program them and make them more powerful and much more. Increase your healing power by 200x or more by using special crystals.

MasterChoa KokSui 

Mediation on Twin Hearts for World Peace

Planetary Mediation for Peace Is a powerful meditation technique that brings peace, love, healing and goodwill to Mother Earth it is also aimed a achieving divine consciousness or Illumination. It Is used as a form of world service to humanity by blessing the entire earth with Divine Light, Divine Love and divine Power. This meditation has touched many lives of millions of people as It brings peace, love , hope, healing, joy, and reconciliation. 

Master Choa Kok Sui 

Mediation on Twin Hearts for Psychological Health

It is an exceptional mediation technique for spiritual development and healing. As one becomes a channel of divine energy and bless the earth with peace, love, healing, and goodwill, we In turn receive healing and divine blessings. This meditation has a tremendous amount of divine energy descends to the meditator flooding hi/her with divine light. This Electric Violet Energy that appears like a luminous white light with a light violet hue In the periphery comes down from the crown center when the heart is activated and it can be used for psychological healing by directing in into specific energy centers or chakras of the body to promote healing.

Master Choa Kok Sui 

Twin Hearts Meditation for Self Healing 

Meditation on Twin Hearts with Self Pranic Healing is a technique for spiritual development and healing. As one becomes a channel of divine energy and blesses the earth with peace, love, healing, and good will, one in turn receives divine blessings. The Twin Hearts refer to the heart and crown energy centers. The heart energy center is the center of human love and seat of higher refined emotions. The crown energy is the center of divine heart and gateway to higher spiritual consciousness. When the heart and crown centers are sufficiently achieved , one experiences divine love and oneness with all. This meditation has a tremendous amount of divine energy appears like brilliant liquid white light that flows down to the practitioner flooding him/her with divine light flushing out negativity and stress energy out from the Aura and chakras promoting good health on all levels.

Master Nona Castro 

Archangels Meditation 

A guided meditation allows believers to join Archangel Uriel, Raphael, Michael, and Gabriel, who offers light of wisdom, healing energy, protection and cuts negative cords, and Inspiration of abundance. Feeling the presence of Archangels surrounding and blessing us from all four sides and Healing Mother Earth. Through this union, listeners can find power and inner strength as well as shed past baggage and free themselves from emotional ties.

Master Choa Kok Sui 

Sacred Sound Mantra for World Peace

Om Shanti is a sacred sound that induces inner peace, OM is a universal sacred word is the essence of all mantras and is the primal sound form which the entire universe emanates. Shanti Is a Sanskrit word for peace when It is chanted Om Shanti Is intended to facilitate deeper states of relaxation, to create a sense of calmness and spiritual well being, to soothe, uplift and inspire during meditation. 

Master Choa Kok Sui 

The Lord's Prayer Meditation 

This meditation allows one to access gateways into inner horizons and bring down divine energy or spiritual energy necessary for character building, development of the virtues and transmutation of lower grosser energies to more subtle energies and encourages to cling to God's will, to seek forgiveness, to seek God's help in avoiding temptation and to ask for protection against evil and negativity.

Kids Meditation, Chants, and Songs for Children

Main purpose is an initiative that aims at preparing the kids from an early age to grow up with proper knowledge and understanding about the universe and the world we are growing up in, the human aura, chakras and the laws that govern our life. Prana Kids Cd offers Music, Chants, & Meditations for Children · 1. The Super Brain Yoga Song · 2. This Little Light of Mine · 3. Om (The Universal Sound) To help kids access the different qualities of their emotions, we can engage them in their senses and creativity. Chants by Children Is For wish fulfillment, wisdom, and knowledge. ... Love mercy and compassion for Mother Earth, loved ones, and those who seek healing. 

Your Hands Can heal You 

by Stephen Co

The word Prana denotes the body's own natural, vital, self-healing energy. This book will teach you the many ways in which you can incorporate safe, effective Pranic Healing techniques into your daily life to heal physical, psychological, and emotional problems and stay well. 

What if the secret to good health lies not in surgery or medication but in the palm of your very own hand? Incredibly, your hands can heal you—with the “energy medicine” of Pranic Healing. The word prana denotes the body's own natural, vital, self-healing energy. This book will teach you the many ways in which you can incorporate safe, effective Pranic Healing techniques into your daily life to heal physical, psychological, and emotional problems and stay well.

In Your Hands Can Heal You, you'll find easy-to-learn methods to generate energy, including non-touch hand movements; the basic tenets of energetic hygiene; full-body breathing; and brief meditations. With the expert training and guidance of Stephen Co, you'll learn how to conquer a wide range of disorders, including:

With step-by-step instructions, line drawings, and real-life stories of medical recovery, this revolutionary health reference can provide you with all the help you need to help yourself—with your own two hands.

Achieving Oneness Workshop 

This rare book discusses the meaning of Soul Realization and two advanced meditations - Meditation on Twin Hearts and Meditation on the Soul. The esoteric meaning of the I AM in different religions and philosophies is discussed in simply and easy to follow steps. This book explores the deeper concepts of meditation in a clear, concise, and straight-to-the-point manner, discusses the meaning of Soul Realization and two advanced meditations, understanding of the inner workings of the Soul, it's purpose and journey through incarnations. Within its pages lie (r)evolutionary concepts and the meaning of Soul Realization.

Courses online

click the link below view courses with Master Co

BLessed Essential Oils 

Blessed Essential Oils to help to disintegrates negative energies from Aura and chakras by transmuting these negative energies to higher frequency and promote more space for more inner peace, calmness and joy to enter.

Aura Cleansing Spray

Dissolving  negative stress energy from Aura and Chakras increasing more positive energy to enter and balance the energies in the Aura with  promoting calmness, peace and more room for happiness to enter.