Frequently Asked Questions

What is Pranic Healing?

Pranic Healing uses the Law of Nature which people do not know or not aware of Grand Master Choa Kok Sui was the founder of Modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga. 

Pranic Healing is a science and art that utilizes prana, ki or vital energy to accelerate the natural healing power. Pranic Healing synthesizes the principles of energy healing from all over the world and has become one of the most advanced and complete method of working with energy. Pranic Healing is an energy “no-touch” healing system based on the fundamental principle that the body has the innate ability to heal itself. Pranic Healing utilizes “life force,” “energy,” or prana to accelerate the body’s inborn ability to heal itself. The word pranic stems from the Sanskrit word “prana” meaning “vital life force” which is an ancient science and art of healing been around  for over 2,000 yrs old, that utilizes prana or ki energy to heal the whole physical body. It also involves the manipulation of ki and bioplasmic matter of the patient’s body.

How does Pranic Healing work?

Pranic Healing is a three step process in which it accelerates the body’s inner healing ability to heal at all levels physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. By scanning for subtle energy abnormalities and removing it  those abnormalities then adding fresh and clean energy to the areas that is needed to start healing processes. Each session will be based on individual needs and treatment goals.

What is Pranic Healing used for?

Pranic Healing is step by step system that uses subtle energy called Prana or chi or sometimes known as life force for treatment to balance, harmonize and transform the body’s energy processes and will be based on individual needs and treatment goals.

What is the difference between Reiki and Pranic Healing?

In Reiki, the practitioner only becomes the medium and Reiki energy uses various symbols. On the other hand, in Pranic Healing uses One hand to clean the negative energy and the other to project positive energy for healing to energize the area that is needed.

What does Pranic Healing help with?

Pranic Healing has bees successful in treating a wide variety of ailments ranging from migraines to chronic injuries such as joint problems, tendonitis, sports injuries, and much, much more…..even arthritis, heart ailments, diabetes , hypertension, addictions, cancer, depression, stress, and many,

Can Pranic Healing help with anxiety?

Pranic Healing can be applied to alleviate, pain, stress and anxiety. It can also help you to stop smoking. This healing system has even proven to be successful at accelerating recovery after surgery. … Because Pranic Healing helps the body to heal by removing diseased energy and filling the patient with life energy.

Which Charka is responsible for anxiety?

Solar Plexus chakra is responsible because it is connected to the digestive system and the adrenal glands. This chakra regulates our fears, sense of power, and gut feelings. When this chakra is out of balance we experience fears, eating disorders, anxiety, and loss of control.

Pranic Healing also can help people suffering from diabetes to many variety of ailments…. By healing the energy body, the visible physical body gets healed in the process. This is called the law of correspondence. 

Can Pranic Healing help with eyes?

The study suggests that Pranic Healing was effective as a complementary therapy to overcome visual problems like itching, pains, redness, headache, watering of eyes and improve vision.

How and Why does Distant or Remote Healing work?

The healing energy is directed with intentions to heal so it will positively affect the recipient. The distance can be small or vast. Stretching beyond the limits of time and space, distance healing sends energy healing to reach you no matter where you are. It’s based on the Law of Oneness. 

What are the Benefits of Pranic Healing?

* Clarity of mind, clear and speedy decision making.

* Better memory and concentration.

* Improved efficiency and productivity at work.

* Harmonious relationships with family and colleagues.

* Inner peace, happiness and tolerance.

* Improved IQ, EQ and SQ.

* Improved self-esteem and much much more…….

Who can learn Pranic Healing?

Pranic Healing has been taught to many, many and anyone can learn, doctors, nurses, massage therapists, acupuncturists, chiropractors, shiatsu practitioners, and many others in the healing field industry. It has allowed them to heal confidently and consistently in the shortest learning time possible.

How much is a Pranic Healing session?

One Pranic Healing session is $100 for a 45-minute session. Each additional 15 minutes is at a $25 rate. At the beginning of a regimen for a chronic issue the session can last 45-90 minutes.

A booking fee of $100.00 is due at time of scheduling via PayPal, Venmo, Zelle, Credit Card or other pre-approved method. Packages are also available.
