
Pranic Healing and the Mediation on Twin Hearts have absolutely transformed my life. What a blessing to be the recipient of Renata’s healing and professional advice. Renata is a compassionate and expert healer. Her devotion and dedication to others own spiritual growth are admirable and evident in her character. Her acts of kindness and selfless giving are seemly endless. Whether it’s a physical, emotional, or psychological condition, Renata has the expertise to address many needs. Myself and my family have personally benefitted from her gentle yet very effective healing.

Melissa Giles

Renata is a very gifted healer. I have been using Renata services since 2012. Every experience I have had has been magical and magnificent. She is a fantastic teacher and I am still practicing what she taught me back in 2012 to today. Every session has felt like I was put in God’s hands when with Renata. My mind, body, soul, and sprit have been healed. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.

Jacquelyn Darling

Renata is an experienced Certified Pranic Healing Practioner who demonstrates enthusiasm, professionalism, and compassion in her sessions. 

Dr. Jason Yuan

Pranic Healing treatment was my saving grace back in 2011 when a dear friend introduced it to me. For the first time I received a session it was an incredible experience and that’s when my world started to change inside out for the better. I released a lot of negative emotions and negative beefs and programs that were accumulated over the years from my environment and upbringing and generated through trauma in my younger years, teenager, and divorce. My aura and chakras were filled with anxiety, fear, and anger with healing it helped me to release all that and more layer by layer. With each healing I felt better and better, lighter, like heavy weights were lifted away from me, feeling free, alive, inner peace, happy, and joyful. It was a long time since I felt this passionate about life. I knew that I had found my life’s purpose to help as many people so that they too can be uplifted as I have been. The more I helped people, the more I felt better, the more I felt better the more I wanted to help. From that point, I fell in love with helping others and seeing the transformation through Pranic Healing that was creating. Each day I am grateful and thankful God’s blessings that have brought me to my beloved teacher GMCKS for creating Pranic Healing system and Mediations on Twin Hearts. My life would have been so different if I had not been introduced to this gift of Pranic Healing. It’s truly a gift from the great ones. I learned to meditate daily, become a better person, and use Pranic Healing techniques to heal my loved ones. Pranic Healing transformed my life, my health, relationships and I am here to share my testimony with you to inspire you and so that you too experience a transformation like I did. 

