Pranic Healing Workshop

Basic Pranic Healing Course with Certification

2 Days Full Days Interactive 

Workshop or 4 Half Days $400

What will I learn in 2 day workshop?

1-Scanning of Aura , chakras and subtle energies

2-Learn about the Eleven different chakras , relations to physical body, psychological and physiological functions and effects on the body, 

3- How to clean and energize the chakras, balance, and harmonize the energy system for optimal health 

4-How to use this subtle energies to do self healing and distant healing, and quickly revitalize the physical body through breathing techniques and mediation 

5-How to maintain and to keep clean the energy body for optimal health and vitality

6-Cutting negative cords and disintegrating negative energies, emotions and stresses from negative people, places and the environment and much, much more

List of Services

One Free Initial  consultation and Mentorship with all sessions

Book your customized healing treatment today

Free 30 Minutes Session

Most frequently clients choose this session who are looking for more than a session.  They are looking to learn and gain knowledge, education and understanding of the application that addresses areas of concerns and customized treatment plan therapy for each Individual.

Experience Guided Meditation on Twin Hearts

What is Twin Hearts Meditation?

Twin Heart Meditation is a form of meditation that focuses on activating two energy centers In the body the heart chakra and the crown associated with love and compassion to balance and harmonize the emotional body promoting peace, love and healing, reducing stress, anxiety, Improve sleep and boosting Immune system. 

NOTE: It is important to note that pranic healing or meditation on twin hearts is not a substitute for medical treatment, but rather a complementary healing practice that can support overall well-being. 


Amethyst Crystal light and Sound Therapy

Amethyst Infrared Crystal Light and Sound Therapy is a holistic, non-invasive therapy that uses infrared light, sound frequencies, and the healing properties of amethyst crystals to promote relaxation, and improve overall well-being. The infrared light penetrate deep into the body's tissues, increasing circulation, reducing inflammation, and promoting relaxation. This can help to relieve pain, reduce stress, and improve sleep quality. Sound Therapy uses the healing power of sound waves to balance the body's energy centers or chakras, promote deep relaxation, and release emotional blockages. 

NOTE: It is important to note that amethyst crystal light and sound therapy is an advanced healing modality ,however, it is not a substitute for medical treatment, but rather a complementary healing practice that can support overall well-being. 

20 Minutes Session - $50

30 Minutes Session - $80

45 Minutes Session - $110

COMBO Package with Pranic Healing 

Pranic Healing, Amethyst Infrared Crystal Light, and Sound Therapy are powerful healing modalities that can be used in combination to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Pranic Healing is a no-touch energy healing method that uses prana or life force energy to balance, harmonize, and transform the body's energy field, removing negative energy and replacing it with positive energy.

This helps to accelerate the body's ability to heal itself and improve overall health and vitality. When used in combination, these three healing modalities can provide a powerful and holistic approach to healing and wellness, addressing physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of health and promoting overall balance and harmony.

NOTE: It is important to note that pranic healing is an advanced healing modality, however, it is not a substitute for medical treatment, but rather a complementary healing practice that can support overall well-being. Add on extra for deeper healing session. Additional cost:

20 Minute $50

30 Minute $75

45 Minute $95

What are the Benefits with Amethyst Infrared Crystal Light and Sound Therapy?

* 20-minute Amethyst Infrared Crystal Light and Sound Therapy Session and Pranic Healing  

This session is perfect for those seeking a quick and effective way to reduce stress and tension. Our state-of-the-art crystal light and sound bed will deliver soothing infrared light, sound frequencies, and the healing energy of amethyst crystals to your body, leaving you feeling relaxed and revitalized.

* 30-minute Amethyst Infrared Crystal Light and Sound Therapy Session and Pranic Healing

This session is ideal for those seeking a deeper level of relaxation and healing. Our crystal light and sound bed will deliver a full spectrum of infrared light, sound frequencies, and the healing energy of amethyst crystals to your body, promoting detoxification, reducing inflammation, and improving circulation.

* 45-minute Amethyst Infrared Crystal Light and Sound Therapy Session and Pranic Healing

This session is perfect for those seeking a comprehensive healing experience. Our crystal light and sound bed will deliver a full spectrum of infrared light, sound frequencies, and the healing energy of amethyst crystals to your body, promoting deep relaxation, reducing pain and inflammation, and boosting your immune system

Introduction to Pranic Healing & one Pranic Healing Session

Pranic healing is an ancient energy healing system that use a form of energy called Prana, or life force energy, to balance, harmonize, and transform the body's energy field. It is a non-touch, non-invasive method of healing that can be used to address physical, emotional, and mental imbalances.

NOTE: It is important to note that pranic healing is an advanced healing modality,  however, it is not a substitute for medical treatment, but rather a complementary healing practice that can support overall well-being. 

1 Hour Session - $100

Crystal Sound Therapy Session 

Sound healing with crystal bowls is a form of vibrational therapy that uses the resonant frequencies of quartz crystal bowls to promote physical and emotional healing. The benefits of sound healing with crystal bowls are numerous and varied. 

Some people report experiencing deep relaxation and stress relief, as the soothing sounds of the bowls help to calm the mind and relax the body. Others find that the therapy helps to alleviate pain and tension, as the vibrations of the bowls can help to release blockages in the body’s energy fields. 

Additionally, sound healing with crystal bowls is said to boost the immune system, improve circulation, and enhance mental clarity and focus. Some people even use crystal bowl therapy to help manage symptoms of anxiety, depression, and PTSD. 

Overall, sound healing with crystal bowls is a powerful and non-invasive tool for promoting holistic health and well-being.

NOTE: It is important to note that pranic healing and crystal bowls healing therapy it is advanced healing modality, however, it is not a substitute for medical treatment, but rather a complementary healing practice that can support overall well-being. 

Extra ADD ON

15 Minute $25

30 Minutes Session $50

Do you have Stress? Stress Management can be maintained with Pranic Healing Therapy. Schedule your Free consultation and package below. 

Pranic Healing is a form of energy healing that can be highly beneficial for stress management. By working with the body's energy field, Pranic Healing can help to release blockages and imbalances that may be contributing to feelings of stress and anxiety. This can lead to a greater sense of calm and relaxation, as well as improved mental clarity and focus. 

Additionally, regular Pranic Healing sessions can help to strengthen the immune system, promote better sleep, and increase overall feelings of well-being. By reducing stress and promoting relaxation, Pranic Healing can also help to improve cardiovascular health, lower blood pressure, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Overall, Pranic Healing can be a powerful tool for managing stress and promoting overall health and well-being.

It's important to note that while pranic healing is an advanced healing modality and it may be helpful for managing stress, it is not a substitute for medical treatment but rather a complementary healing practice that can support overall well-being

NOTE: If you are experiencing severe or chronic stress, it is important to speak with a healthcare provider to determine the underlying cause and develop a treatment plan. It Is not designed to replace any type medication but to enhance and complementary to the medication or other treatment.

1 hour session $125

4 1hour sessions per month $400

Pranic Healing with Guided Meditation Session

Twin Hearts meditation is a specific form of pranic healing meditation that involves the use of visualization and breathing techniques to draw in and circulate divine energy through the body. This energy is then used to cleanse and energize the chakras, or energy centers, in the body combined with Pranic healing for deeper healing experience.

Benefits: reduced stress and anxiety,  improved mental clarity and focus, increased energy and vitality,  enhanced immune function improved emotional well-being, increased spiritual connection, improved physical health, Pranic healing can be used to address a wide range of physical health issues, including chronic pain, headaches, and digestive problems.

NOTE: It is important to note that pranic healing is an advanced healing modality ,however, it is not a substitute for medical treatment, but rather a complementary healing practice that can support overall well-being.

1 Hour Session - $120

Cleansing and Balancing Aura and Chakras with Pranic Healing and Essential Oils

Combination of Pranic healing and essential oils are powerful tools that can be used to cleanse and balance the aura and chakras. 

The aura is the energy field that surrounds and permeates the physical body, while the chakras are the major energy centers located along the spine. 

When the aura and chakras are cleansed and balanced and removing blockages can help to improve physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and regulate the flow of energy In all these areas. 

Pranic healing can be used In wide range of conditions, including stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and illness. By regularly cleansing and balancing the aura and chakras, one can maintain optimal health and well-being.

NOTE: It is important to note that pranic healing and essential oils are advanced healing modalities ,however, it's not a substitute for medical treatment, but rather a complementary healing practice that can support overall well-being. 

1 Hour Session - $150

Do you have Anxiety? With Crystal Pranic Healing Therapy we can help you to remove these unwanted obstructive energies causing  Anxiety, Worry or Fear.

Crystals and Pranic Healing therapy offer a number of benefits for those seeking to remove stress, anxiety, worries, and fear from their lives. 

Crystals are believed to have healing properties that can help to balance the body's energy centers, or chakras, promoting physical and emotional well-being. Each crystal has its own unique properties and can be used to target specific issues, such as anxiety or fear. 

Pranic Healing, on the other hand, is a non-touch energy healing modality that works with the body's energy field to remove blockages and promote the flow of Prana, or life force energy. 

This therapy can help to reduce stress and anxiety by cleansing and balancing the energy body, promoting relaxation and a sense of calm. Together, crystals and Pranic Healing can provide a powerful and holistic approach to managing stress, anxiety, worries, and fear, promoting overall well-being and a greater sense of inner peace.

NOTE: It is important to note that pranic crystal healing is an advanced healing modality, however, it is not a substitute for medical treatment, but rather a complementary healing practice that can support overall well-being. 

1 Hour Session - $150

Struggling with weight gain or weight loss? With Crystal Pranic Healing Therapy we can help, schedule your free session and package below.

Crystal pranic healing therapy is a holistic approach to weight loss that focuses on healing the body, mind, and spirit. 

This therapy utilizes the power of crystal to cleanse, balance, and revitalize the energy body, which in turn promotes physical health and well-being. 

A practitioner uses the crystal along with pranic healing protocols for specific aliment to activate and stimulate the flow of Prana, or life force energy, which can help to break up blockages and activate the body's natural healing processes. This can be particularly beneficial for weight loss, as it can help to address any underlying energy imbalances that may be contributing to weight gain or difficulty losing weight. 

Additionally, crystal pranic healing can help to reduce stress and anxiety, which can be major factors in overeating and poor dietary choices. By incorporating crystal pranic healing into a weight loss plan, individuals can experience a more balanced and harmonious approach to weight loss, and may find it easier to make healthy lifestyle choices and maintain a healthy weight over time. 

Along with a healthy eating choices and regular daily exercises may accelerate the results.

NOTE: It is important to note that pranic healing is an advanced healing modality, however, it is not a substitute for medical treatment, but rather a complementary healing practice that can support overall well-being. 

45 minute six sessions $450 

Are you concern or struggle with Serious Ailments? Schedule your Free consultation and package for Serious Ailments 

we can help. 

Pranic Healing is a powerful and effective complementary therapy that can be used to help alleviate serious ailments. This energy healing modality works by cleansing and balancing the energy body, which in turn supports the physical body in its natural healing process. 

Pranic Healing uses a systematic approach to scan and detect energy imbalances, and then utilizes specific techniques to cleanse, energize, and revitalize the affected areas. 

This can help to reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and support the body's natural healing abilities. Pranic Healing has been used to successfully in wide range of serious ailments, including cancer, heart disease, and autoimmune disorders. 

While it is not a replacement for conventional medical treatment, Pranic Healing can be a valuable addition to a holistic health plan, providing additional support and complementing traditional medical interventions. If you or someone you know is dealing with a serious ailment, consider exploring the benefits of Pranic Healing as a complementary therapy.

NOTE: It is important to note that pranic healing is an advanced healing modality ,however, it is not a substitute for medical treatment, but rather a complementary healing practice that can support overall well-being. 

1 1/2 Hour Session Four Sessions $450

10 sessions $1,500

Is your home filled with stress energy and want more positive energy flowing in your home? We can help Transform Your Home Energy to Positive Healthy Living Environment. Schedule your Free consultation  and package to Transform your Home Energy.

This ancient practice using Pranic Healing System can be also used to cleanse and harmonize the energy in one's home. 

By utilizing specific techniques and movements, a pranic healer can remove negative energy and replace it with positive, healing energy. This can lead to a more peaceful and harmonious living environment. 

Using pranic healing to transform the energy in your home can be a powerful way to create a positive and nurturing space for yourself and your loved ones. 

NOTE: It is recommended to learn and practice pranic healing under the guidance of a qualified pranic healer.

2 Hour Session $450

Is your Relationship in disharmony and want more improved relationships?Schedule your free consultation and relationship package to Renew and Heal Relationships with Pranic Healing Therapy.

One way that pranic healing can be particularly effective is in the context of relationships. When we are in relationships with others, we often absorb their energy and emotions, which can have a profound impact on our own well-being. 

If we are in a relationship with someone who is experiencing stress, anxiety, or other negative emotions, for example, we may find ourselves feeling drained, exhausted, or even physically unwell.

Pranic healing can help to break this cycle of energy absorption and promote healing in relationships by cleansing and balancing the energy fields of both parties. By working together with a pranic healer, couples or individuals in relationships can learn to release negative energy, cultivate positive emotions, and create a more harmonious and balanced energetic connection. This can lead to greater understanding, compassion, and empathy between partners, as well as improved physical and emotional health for both individuals.

In addition to its benefits for individual relationships, pranic healing can also be used to promote healing and balance in communities and society as a whole. 

By working together to cultivate positive energy and release negative patterns, we can create a more harmonious and supportive world for all. 

Whether we are seeking healing in our personal relationships or in the larger world around us, pranic healing offers a powerful and effective tool for renewal and transformation.

NOTE: It is important to note that pranic healing is an advanced healing modality ,however, it is not a substitute for medical treatment, but rather a complementary healing practice that can support overall well-being and enchance relationships

1 1/2 Hour 2 sessions $450

1 Hour 4 sessions $750

Tired of repeating generation after generation same ailments, diseases ?

Pranic Healing can help to remove this patterns of generations mothers and fathers side. Schedule your free consultation and package for Generational Pranic Healing Therapy.

Generational healing using Pranic Healing is a powerful and transformative practice that aims to heal and release emotional and energetic wounds that have been passed down through generations. 

This type of healing modality recognizes that traumas and negative experiences can be stored in the energy field of an individual, and these patterns can then be passed down to future generations through DNA both parents mother and father's ancestors history. 

Pranic Healing works by using energy to clear and cleanse the energy field, releasing negative patterns and blockages that may be causing physical, emotional, or mental distress. In generational healing, this technique is applied to specific ancestral lines, working to heal and release the wounds and traumas of the past.

By using Pranic Healing techniques, individuals can tap into the energy of their ancestors and work to heal the wounds that have been passed down through the generations. This can bring about profound emotional healing, release negative patterns and beliefs, and promote greater overall well-being.

Generational healing using Pranic Healing can be a powerful tool for individuals seeking to understand and heal their ancestral wounds. By working to heal these wounds, individuals can create a more positive and empowered compelling future for themselves and future generations.

NOTE: It is important to note that pranic healing is an advanced healing modality ,however, it is not a substitute for medical treatment, but rather a complementary healing practice that can support overall well-being and generational family tree on both sides of family

45 Minutes 4 sessions $950

Essential Oil Shop

When choosing essential oils it is highly Recommend to use 100% Pure Essential Oils Therapeutic Grade non synthetic and no harmful additives.


1. Aromatherapy: Essential oils are commonly used in aromatherapy to help promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve mood.

2. Natural disinfectants: Some essential oils, such as tea tree and lavender, have natural antimicrobial properties, making them useful for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces.

3. Pain relief: Some essential oils, such as eucalyptus and peppermint, may help to relieve pain and inflammation.

4. Improved sleep: Essential oils like lavender and chamomile are often used to help promote better sleep and combat insomnia.

5. Immune system support: Some essential oils, such as oregano and frankincense, are believed to have immune-boosting properties.

6. Skin care: Essential oils like tea tree, lemon, and rosehip are often used in skincare products for their potential benefits, such as reducing acne, brightening skin, and improving hydration.

7. Digestive health: Some essential oils, such as ginger and peppermint, may help to relieve digestive issues like nausea, bloating, and indigestion.

8. Emotional support: Essential oils like bergamot and ylang-ylang are believed to have calming and uplifting effects on mood, and are often used help manage anxiety and depression.

It's important to note that essential oils should be used with caution, as they can be toxic if ingested or used improperly. It's recommended to dilute essential oils with a carrier oil before applying them to the skin, and to consult with a healthcare provider before using them for any specific health concerns.

NOTE: It is important to note that essential oils are not  designed to replace any type medication but to enhance and complementary to the medication or other treatment and can support overall well-being.
